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4.8 ( 2448 ratings )
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Utvecklare: Chad Jodon

LotHound is a mobile APP that helps auto dealers track and manage your inventory as well as your lot flow.  It also has a desktop admin and reporting section designed to provide additional information on your lot’s inventory that will help you increase your profits.

What LotHound does:
• Helps you know the exact location of all your vehicles at all times.
• Reduces time to find vehicles.
• Alerts you when a vehicle has been in a location too long.
• Frees up employees to perform other tasks.
• Eliminates stress of having to follow-up on vehicles’ status or location.
• Provides valuable information on your overall lot flow.
• Increases workforce accountability which in turn reduces operational expense.
• INCREASES YOUR PROFITS by helping move vehicles to the front line.
• DECREASES YOUR EXPENSES by improving inventory tracking and management processes.